• Befor you see what happened upstairs... Just know I reallly Love You
  • Yep, Ridin' Mechanical Bulls is all part of the popular fun.
  • Jesus Country Show Leander 30th Anniversary. Morris Bonnett, Roland Waits and your truly havin' fun. One of our first live events.
  • Jerry Sherbahn plays incredible peddle steel
  • Sidekick Dave and my Sweet Ms Karen
  • Jesus Country Show in Round Rock. All ages havin' fun.
  • Gettin' ready to go the the Jesus Country Show
  • Sidekick Dave in new Liberty Hill Studio. I sure miss my good friend.
  • My friend KR aka Camp Cookie feedin' all the folks with the best grub. I sure miss him
  • Sidekick Dave and me gettin' ready to do radio
  • Charlie Daniels, Ashton and me. He made our world better
  • Lake Travis High School Fiddler's Sooooo GOO' OOD! Go see 'em when you can. They roam the central Texas area a lot.
  • Drivin' thru Giddiings
  • Camp Cookie Chuckwagon
  • Loose Nut Chuck

September 8th, Happy Sunday!

What a great show we had last Sunday with Kactus Kim and Sidekick Dave called in from Colorado back in 2015.

This week I'm sharin' one from when we were on the Source in Round Rock. I pray you enjoy it. Me and Dave had so much fun together.

I sure miss SideKick Dave. He was the bestest friend a guy could have. I know where he is and I'll introduce you to him when we all get home... Wow, I was just thinkin' how many folks I really miss who have gone home. Now that I think about it.... What an inexpressible Joy it will be to be home with all our loved ones we miss so much and above all especially Jesus, who will be the one who will be waiting with open arms to welcome us.

Yep, inexpressible! I'm reminded of John's vision in 2 Corinthians 12:2-6,  where he shares about a man he knew 14 years ago... I think it's him he's talking about. Read that whole section when you can cause it'll bless ya!

Anyway, back to the inexpressible Joy that it will be when we get home. Paul couldn't describe it either. but one thing we do know, is that it's far above what we can understand. Blessin's and enjoy this Sunday's get together.

Uncle John's and Chuck's Abilene and Clyde Trip:

I'm still puttin' these poems and stories together to share so stay tuned in as I hope to start addin' them. I have "Kaiser Bill" back from World War 1 that John did while we were drivin' back. I'm sharin' it currently but will edit it later.

John, my favorite person in the whole world, he's Uncle John and we went on a road trip to Abilene and Clyde last week to his and my dads old stompin' grounds where they grew up. We spent 3 days travelin' to visit lots of our family history and the markers that mean a lot to me and all the stories I share. I recorded all I could and John's loved reciting poems that he learned from my grandaddy EG's mom grandma Burt. I'll be sharin' all I can. What a blessin'

Chuck's View on School Choice:

Wow! school is back in full swing already. I'm pro kids and pro education and pro parents! Every year, seems like more than that, we are reminded about how expensive teaching our kids are and that the well is almost dry. ie we need more money. So, we get vote to invest more into the government education system that has brought our country to where we are today.

Was that out loud... I digress....

School Choice empowers Parents...

For more info on School Choice in Texas, go to the Texas Public Policy Foundation link here: School Choice Link

Mucho Blessin's

We'll back to less serious Loose Nut Chuck...

I was always excited for school to start right up till about the 3rd day.... then, that's when the less fun stuff ruined all that... and the fun was over.

I just love sharing these wonderful songs and stories for our time with Jesus together.

Join in the fun startin' at 10am then I repeat again at 2pm on Sunday and everyday so you can make it fit your schedule and day. if you miss it.

The rest of the time we'll play good ole Gospel and Classic Country Music along with our story tellers, cowboy poets and most anything else I can find that blesses me. As always, I'll share some great parts of past get together's with SideKick Dave. It was the some of the most fun time's I've ever had.

Share Your Story: We all have stories and we are the expert on each of 'em.

Just get in touch with me and we'll see best ways to share it.

Our Jesus Country Show streaming Player has changed a bit and now Live365 who purchased ChristianNetCast recently.

The player looks differently till we can get it updated but you can always hear it but the songs library won't show all the info yet.

Thanks and I am excited that this opportunity offers us even more of the wonderfulness we love to share with you in Full Country Style.

Not Connected to a regular group of believers? We all need to meet regularly with folks who share our common love for Jesus so we can encourage each other and grow in our relationship with Jesus together. Let's get it done in your area!

Contact me to get started. Upper right hand corner of this page.

Baptism: If you want to get baptized and want to understand why God asks us to do this, just holler and we'll get it done together.

Communion: we ALL need this foundational sacrament regularly so, if you want to know why holler and I'll be glad to help.

We love sharein' Joy through all the good positive music and message we can in pure country style.

Because, we don't know any other way...

Faith, Family and Freedom are just some of what we hang our hat on.